
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Spiritual Cure of Spiritual Disease

Ubqari Magazine - January 2021


Spiritual Cure of Spiritual Disease

The Unique Letters containing Black Magic and their Healing Treatment

Immensely Sad stories of Black Magic

Readers! When there comes the downfall of religion, the black world and irreligion go at their peak. If you are stung by the black world, evil or black magic or spell, write us, we will give you the solution in the light of the Quran and Sunnah. And its wage is prayer. Kindly, don’t send any cash in the envelope. Write your address, send an envelope (in which answer will be sent), and write at one side of the page. Don’t paste any additional tape or glue while writing the letter. Privacy will be taken care of. Must write person’s name, mobile number, city name, and complete address at the end of the letter. Write a separate letter for a physical issue.

The Trick of Making a Child Successful in the World and Religion
Respected Hakim Sahib Assalam o Alaikum! My son is disturbed due to domestic disputes. He is in eighth class; he forgets everything while taking exams or whatever he learns. I want that he must have a sharp mind and memory. Tell me prayer or wazifa that he remains successful in the world and religion and whatever he learns he may never forget. (Ray, Noon’ Karachi)
Answer: All the family members must recite this wazifa with faith, attention, and focus, Insha’Allah will remain successful always. Recite after Fajr prayer 313 times (ایاک نعبد و ایاک نستعین) three times Darood Shareef before and after, and after Isha prayer recite 313 times (یا مسبب الاسباب) three times Darood Shareef before and after.
I want to marry the Love of my Life Legally! Tell me something
Respected Hakim Sahib Assalam o Alaikum! I am in a lot of trouble these days, remain worried day and night. Do wazaif but can’t find comfort. The place where I want to get married, it has been four years that I am doing efforts but in vain. I want to get married in a legal way according to Shariah. Please help me. (Kamran, Muzaffarabad)
Answer: If this spiritual act is done with true heart and devotion, you will never have to face failure.
The time of this spiritual act is eleven days. Recite on Wednesday 1100 times (یا معطی) after Isha prayer and recite it daily for eleven days onwards from Wednesday. Recite Darood Shareef eleven times before and after. Don’t eat, drink or speak during the reciting. The prayer rug, your clothes, and the place should be the same daily. Insha’Allah, you will get married where you want.

I was my father’s pampered daughter! But He doesn’t want to See Me Anymore!
Respected Hakim Sahib Assalam o Alaikum! My story is long, writing shortly, I was the most loved one of my father. Suddenly, he became ill, when he recovered, he became grumpy, started yelling at me. He loves my cousins, spends time with them and I see all this standing away with teary eyes. I am longing for baba’s love, he doesn’t call me, ask my cousins for his work to do, and if I do, he doesn’t talk properly. Why is that? I have never been rude to him, disobeyed him, never think ill of him. (Hidden)
Answer: Recite 200 times Surah Al-Ikhlas with seven times Darood Shareef before and after in morning and evening and gift it to your father’s heart, and see the wonder. All the readers are allowed to do this.

Got Married, Husband’s business Stalled! Gold Disappeared
Ever since I got married, my husband owned a book store, it closed, my gold ornaments often disappeared, there was tension and fighting environment all the time at home, and it was also common to get everyone sick often. I have been living for four years in a joint family, now I have been separated but on the second floor in the same house. Now, I have fewer issues but the gold disappeared again the previous year, then suddenly quarrel started in the house, the in-law’s behavior is not getting better, even I have become silent now, but don’t know from where the dispute starts.
Answer: For the business and domestic issues, recite after Fajr prayer, Surah Al-Kafiroon, Surah Al-Ikhlas, Surah Al-Falaq and Surah Naas, and Darood Shareef 21 times before and after. Recite it after Zohar prayer but the Darood Shareef 22 times, after Asar prayer Darood 23 times after Maghrib Darood 24 times and after Isha Darood 25 times and all the Surahs one, one time. Do it for forty days. It is a repeatedly tested spiritual act. Other than that, where you put all your gold or money, write
(یا حفیظ بحوالہ کھف قطمیر) with black marker. Insha’Allah it will be safe.


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